Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

As we celebrate the launch of our Kimchi Collection at Kmeatbox, we invite you to explore these magnificent flavors and add a touch of authentic Korean zest to your meals. Whether paired with KBBQ or enjoyed on their own, each variety in our collection is a tribute to the rich flavors and traditions of Korean cuisine.


Napa Kimchi (맛김치) - Classic, Spicy, and Deeply Flavorful

Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

At the heart of traditional Korean cuisine lies Napa Kimchi. This variety is made with Napa cabbage fermented with a rich blend of chili flakes, garlic, ginger, and fish sauce, offering a bold, spicy flavor balanced with slight sweetness and savory depth. The fermentation process enhances its complexity, making it a robust, umami-rich cornerstone of Korean dining.


White Kimchi (백김치) - Gentle, Subtle, and Refreshingly Crisp

Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

A milder version of traditional Korean kimchi, White Kimchi is perfect for those who prefer a less spicy flavor. Made without chili peppers, it features hand-prepared Napa cabbage seasoned with garlic, ginger, and Asian pears, resulting in a refreshing and crisp finish. The flavor profile is subtly tangy with a sweet undertone, highlighting the natural tastes of its ingredients.


Cubed Radish Kimchi (깍두기) - Crunchy, Spicy, and Uniquely Korean

Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

Known as Kkakdugi, this kimchi features cube-cut radishes fermented with chili flakes, garlic, and traditional spices. It's crunchy, spicy, and a must-try for lovers of authentic Korean flavors, offering a delightful crunch accompanied by a vibrant spicy taste.


Ponytail Kimchi (총각김치) - Crisp, Vibrant, and Refreshingly Spicy

Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

Also known as Chonggak Kimchi, this variety is made from young radishes with greens attached, resembling a ponytail. It's seasoned with traditional spices and fermented to perfection, combining the crispness of young radishes with a lively spicy flavor.


Mustard Greens Kimchi (갓김치) - Zesty, Bold, and Distinctively Tangy

Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

For a vibrant and zesty twist, Mustard Greens Kimchi is a perfect choice. It features crisp mustard greens seasoned with chili flakes, garlic, and a hint of fish sauce. This kimchi has a bold and tangy flavor, with the sharpness of mustard greens softened by spicy and garlicky notes, adding a burst of zesty flavor to any meal.


Radish Leaves Kimchi (무청김치) - Earthy, Spicy, and Rich in Texture

Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

Radish Leaves Kimchi uses the often-overlooked radish leaves, fermented with a hearty blend of spices. This variety offers a rich, earthy flavor and a spicy kick, celebrating textures and tastes with a distinctive taste enhanced by the fermentation process.


Green Onion Kimchi (파김치) - Savory, Spicy, and Wonderfully Aromatic

Kimchi Beyond the Cabbage

A flavorful variant featuring fresh green onions, this kimchi is both aromatic and spicy. Fermented with chili, garlic, and a hint of ginger, it offers a robust, spicy flavor with a notable savory depth, balanced by the natural sweetness and aroma of green onions.


Each of these kimchi varieties brings its unique flair to the table, enhancing the flavors of KBBQ and providing a delectable contrast to the smoky meats. Whether you're an avid kimchi lover or new to Korean cuisine, exploring these diverse types of kimchi is a culinary adventure worth embarking on. Check out our Kimchi Collection now!

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