Soy-Braised Lotus Root (연근조림) - A Kids' Favorite

Soy-Braised Lotus Root (연근조림) - A Kids' Favorite

A delicious lotus root side dish that kids absolutely love!

[2 Servings, Under 30 Minutes, Easy for Anyone]

Soy-Braised Lotus Root (연근조림) is a delightful Korean side dish that is not only delicious but also nutritious. It's a great option for kids, with its unique texture and sweet flavor. Lotus root is known for its health benefits and is a good source of dietary fiber and various vitamins. This recipe brings out the best in lotus root by simmering it in a savory and sweet sauce, making it a hit among children. It's a simple dish that can be quickly prepared, perfect for busy parents looking to add variety and nutrition to their child's diet.


  • Lotus Root, 400g (whole or pre-peeled, washed & sliced)
  • Vinegar, 3 tablespoons
  • Salt, 1/2 tablespoon
  • Water, 250ml
  • Soy Sauce, 10 tablespoons
  • Corn Syrup, 4 tablespoons
  • Sugar, 5 tablespoons
  • Sesame Oil, 1 tablespoon


  1. Peel and rinse the lotus root, then slice it
  2. Boil it in 500ml of water with 3 tablespoons of vinegar for 20 minutes to remove bitterness.
  3. Rinse the boiled lotus root, then put it back in the pot with 250ml of water and 10 tablespoons of soy sauce, adding gradually to taste.
  4. Add 3 tablespoons of corn syrup (plus 1 more later) and 5 tablespoons of sugar, then boil on high heat.
  5. Once boiling, reduce to medium heat and simmer to your desired consistency.
  6. When it's almost done, add the last tablespoon of corn syrup and sesame oil. Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired. (The seeds can be omitted for children who prefer without.)
  7. Finish by simmering until it reaches a slightly thick consistency and a rich color.

Notes: This lotus root dish is a great way to introduce new textures and flavors to children. The sweetness can be adjusted according to taste, making it a versatile dish that can be tailored to different preferences.

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