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1 lb (2~3 portions)

Wagyu Rib Finger Meat (Marinated)

Wagyu Rib Finger Meat (Marinated)

Regular price $27.99 USD
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Wagyu Rib Finger Meat is prized cut from between the ribs of Wagyu cattle and is celebrated for its delicate marbling and succulent texture. Its both flavor and tenderness, making it a prized choice in KBBQ. We marinate rib finger pieces in the same marinade used in Galbi. Each pack contains 2-3 portions (1 lb of meat + ~0.3lb of marinade) of premium marinated wagyu rib finger meat (uncooked) which can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Here are some recipes using Marinated Rib Finger Meat: Rib Finger Stir-Fry / Ggwari Gochu (Shishito Peppers) with Rib Fingers

Net Weight Transparency

At Kmeatbox, we prioritize transparency regarding the precise net weight of the meat in each of our marinated meat packs. Our Wagyu Rib Finger Meat pack consists of at least 1lb of premium beef. We marinate this luxurious cut in our signature soy-based sweet and savory marinade.

Origin of Ingredients

Our Wagyu Rib Finger Meat is sourced from Kuro Wagyu, who never uses hormones and is raised on a grain-fed diet for more than 300 days to ensure each cut is abundantly marbled to grade for consistently rich and buttery quality.

Ingredients (Marinade) 

Onion, garlic, kiwi, Korean pear, ginger, soy sauce (soy, wheat), sugar cane, sake, black pepper, sesame oil (sesame)

Flavor Profile

The marinade has a unique flavor that is both sweet and savory. The marinade, which includes soy sauce, sugar, and garlic, imparts a deep, rich taste to the thinly sliced beef. This creates a pleasing complexity of flavor that is characteristic of Korean cuisine.


Preheat a large nonstick pan or grilling surface. When the pan or grill is hot, add the marinated Wagyu Rib Finger Meat without overlapping. Cook for 30-60 seconds each side and serve.

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